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Small town. Big romance.

*titles contain explicit sex

Sometimes the only place left to go is home.

Kara Martinson always thought her high school crush was out of her league, but they did share one night she’s never been able to forget. Nearly three decades after being disowned by her parents and forced to raise her son on her own, Kara’s made it—her art is being toasted at a gallery opening. Even better, she and her son are finally on stable ground. Until Mr. One-Night Stand himself crashes her party.

Harry Canton always knew Kara would make it as an artist. Almost thirty years after high school, he still considers her the one that got away. But the surprise reunion doesn’t quite go to plan when Harry discovers he left her with more than just memories when he went away to college. Desperate to connect with the family he never knew existed, Harry convinces his son to move cross country for a fresh start with his father—and pleads with Kara to come home, too.

Kara hasn’t stepped foot in their hometown since the day she was sent away. But her son desperately wants the father he never had and denying him that may cost her everything. Can love heal old heartaches so Harry and Kara can have a second chance at the future they were robbed of so long ago? Or will the pain of the past be too much to face?

Divorce and heartbreak make you reevaluate everything!

Dianna Friedman never expected her husband to leave her. After over twenty years of marriage, she’s making the most of what she has left–a sarcastic near-grown son and a mountain of bills that just keeps growing. She’s in over her head, but determined to survive. Until a man knocks at her door with a proposal to bring their spouses to justice.

Everyone else may have seen it coming, but Paul O’Connell was blindsided by his wife’s betrayal. Determined to prevent her from bleeding him dry in their divorce, he turns to the only person he thinks can help him: the wife of the other man.

Dianna and Paul start as unexpected allies, but become fast friends…and maybe more—although neither of them can admit their growing dependence on the other. When Dianna’s life takes an unexpected twist, she and Paul must reevaluate everything…including what they really mean to each other.

It only takes a moment to change your life.

Annie O’Connell runs a business she loves, has a daughter she raised entirely on her own, and protects two younger brothers the way she has all their lives. She’s the foundation of her family, but sometimes being solid as a rock means she has sharp edges. After a lifetime of fighting to succeed, there is only one person she trusts not to let her down: herself.

Marcus Callison has loved Annie for as long as he’s worked for her. Convincing her to admit the feeling is mutual is a challenge he’s been facing for just as long. He would stand by her through thick, thin, and everything in between. But he won’t stand by while she pretends what they feel for each other isn’t real.

When Annie’s carefully constructed life is shattered, Marcus is determined to stand by her, help her through disaster, and prove that what they share is stronger than the tragedy that changes the lives of everyone in its path…if only she’d let him.

One wish can change everything.

This year when Jessica Martinson-Canton blows out eleven candles on her homemade vegan cake, she makes the same wish she’s made for as many birthdays as she can remember: she wants a mother.

Jessica’s father Phil has worked his entire life to create a more stable childhood for his daughter than he had with his unwed teenaged mother. When his wife left him and their newborn daughter in their most vulnerable hour, Phil pledged to give his baby everything. His parents have reunited and are working hard to create a supportive extended family, but rainbow pancakes and princess murals can’t heal the dark void left in Phil’s heart which he won’t even admit is there.

Mallory O’Connell leaves her dream job in a big city to return home to help her fiercely independent mother recover from tragedy. After forming a unique bond with Jessica—and a friendship with Jessica’s hot father—Mallory finds that in coming back to Stonehill she might just have found a way to make all of her dreams come true. But as their families push Phil and Mallory together, old insecurities and Phil’s worst fears threaten to break up the happy trio and catch Jessica in the emotional crossfire.

Now serving second chances.

Jenna Reid purchased the Stonehill Café to prove her ex-husband wrong. Three years later, her building is crumbling, her savings are dwindling, and her pride is more bruised than a bad batch of apples.

Pride is something Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Maguire lost long ago and isn’t likely to find living in the alley behind the café. While he takes a little time to get on his feet, keeping an eye on the overworked café owner gives him a sense of purpose. He has no intention of drawing attention to himself until he hears her scream.

He rushes in to help but rather than confronting danger, he finds Jenna drenched in the aftermath of a plumbing disaster. With her last bit of hope fading, Jenna accepts Daniel’s help to fix up her building, but it doesn’t take long for them to start trying to fix each other.

Would you give your ex a second chance?

Four years after having her heart shattered, Meg Tanaka is finally over her good-for-nothing ex. By focusing on her career and helping her loved ones navigate their lives, Meg has recovered from—or at least buried—the hurt Aiden caused. Unfortunately, her old resentment rushes to the surface the moment she finds out he’s back in town. 
Aiden Howard has made a lot of mistakes in his life, but never one as bad as choosing his medical career over the love of his life. Still unable to get over losing Meg, he’s come home with one mission: earning her forgiveness.
Despite Aiden’s attempts to make amends for the past, Meg is determined not to give him another chance to break her heart. But how can she resist the one man she believes is her forever love?